Efficiently milled precision non-stop

C 22 U RS 2 | Pastec | Precision Technology

From parts manufacturer to complete supplier for precision technology – Pastec GmbH lays the foundations for sustained success with Hermle's high-end milling technology and its Anodising department and assembly expertise.

Application engineer Andreas Wenger began entertaining the idea of becoming self-employed in 2007. Initially, he only offered his knowledge and experience in all areas of programming CNC machines. One year later, he founded Pastec GmbH and has overseen its transformation into a state-of-the-art machining service provider by investing in Hermle AG's precise 5-axis milling technology. He gradually enhanced the process chain of precision machining and parts manufacturing. Today, the company based near Munich offers every process step, from design, programming and production – including anodising and laser marking – to component assembly with functional testing.
Direct investment in 5-axis technology was driven by the high demands placed on precision and quality. Wenger wanted to be able to efficiently produce workpieces to a constant accuracy of one-hundredth. "Hermle machines came out on top, so in 2008 we purchased the 5-axis machining centre C 40 U," explains the Managing Director. This was soon followed by a second machine of the same series and the introduction of automation with simple magazine and handling systems. As the order books continued to fill up, Pastec GmbH decided to invest in three 5-axis machining centres C 22 U in 2011.

  • The highly productive flexible C 22 U production cell with the RS 2 robot system (left) and the ZM 192 additional magazine.
  • Sebastian Zyngier, Fertigungsleiter, Andreas Wenger, Geschäftsführer, Stefan Biebel, Konstruktion und CAD-/CAM-Programmierung, alle von Pastec GmbH sowie Stefan Bux, Handlungsbevollmächtigter bei der Hermle + Partner Vertriebs GmbH und im Außendienst zuständig für den Kunden Pastec GmbH
    from right to left Sebastian Zyngier, Production Manager, Andreas Wenger, Managing Director, all from Pastec GmbH, and Stefan Bux, Trade Representative at Hermle + Partner Vertriebs GmbH.
  • The highly productive flexible C 22 U production cell with the RS 2 robot system (left) and the ZM 192 additional magazine.
  • Sebastian Zyngier, Fertigungsleiter, Andreas Wenger, Geschäftsführer, Stefan Biebel, Konstruktion und CAD-/CAM-Programmierung, alle von Pastec GmbH sowie Stefan Bux, Handlungsbevollmächtigter bei der Hermle + Partner Vertriebs GmbH und im Außendienst zuständig für den Kunden Pastec GmbH
    from right to left Sebastian Zyngier, Production Manager, Andreas Wenger, Managing Director, all from Pastec GmbH, and Stefan Bux, Trade Representative at Hermle + Partner Vertriebs GmbH.

24/7 precision

In order to reduce idle times for recurring batch jobs and to increase productivity, Wenger decided to couple one of the new 5-axis machining centres with the RS 2 robot system and order the machine with an additional magazine for a further 192 tools. "Since most workpieces have an edge length of up to 200 mm each, the 450 mm traverse path of the C 22 U in X direction and 600 and 330 mm on the Y and Z axis is sufficient,” explains Production Manager Sebastian Zyngier. The combination with the robot cell enables unmanned 3-shift and weekend operation. This generates sufficient capacity to machine larger quantities and the 'laser housing with lid' part family with a total of 18 variants flexible for orders and just in time.

Fertigungszelle C 22 U mit Robotersystem RS 2 (links) und dem Werkzeug-Zusatzmagazin ZM 192
The highly productive, flexible C 22 U production cell with RS 2 robot system and ZM 192 additional tool magazine will be on display.

Cost-effectively with three axes

A further investment followed: the idea behind this was that Wenger wanted to relieve the company's 5-axis machining centres of simpler machining tasks. The 3-axis CNC machining centre C 400 V with a fixed table has the same concept features as its larger versions. "This offers numerous advantages: the same kinematics, the same operating concept, the same tool holding fixture and the same controls, coupled with excellent service," explains Andreas Wenger. There was therefore no reason for him to contact a different machine supplier. "Especially since we also use the same CAM system, create all the programs outside of production and the technician simply has to flip the switch – and everything is running," adds Wenger.

Finally, he gives an example of why Pastec always opts for Hermle: "With our first 5-axis machining centre, even after ten years, we are still machining complex laser scanner components with the same precision and quality as on the first day."

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